100% Michigan Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Fall Planted Heritage Grains

Timopheevii Wheat

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $7.00
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Timopheevii Wheat
Timopheevii Wheat
super tillering with Timopheevii Wheat
Timopheevii Wheat
Timopheevii Wheat
Timopheevii Wheat
Timopheevii Wheat
Timopheevii Wheat

(Triticum turgidum.timopheevii); aka Chelta Zaunduri, Zanduri Wheat; Heritage - Centennial; Landrace; Hulled; Fall-planted; Minimum 50 seeds

A domestication of a wild grass (T. araticum) native in the Caucasus Mountain regions, Timopheevii is an ancient wheat prized for its exceptional flavor, disease resistance, and adaptability to a wide variety of soils. Distinctive characteristics of its flour earn bread baked with Timopheevi the distinguished description "King's Bread".

We sourced our seed stock from friend and mentor John Sherck of Sherck Seeds who obtained his stock from the USDA.

Germination is aided by keeping kernels in their hulls when planting.

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