100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

LaPorte Wheat

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

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LaPorte Wheat
LaPorte Wheat kernels, a soft red winter wheat cultivar threshed and ready for planting, milling or whole-grain enjoyment

(Triticum aestivum); Heritage; Soft Red Winter; Awnletted; an Indiana Connection variety; Fall-planted; Minimum 50 seeds

A high yielding heritage soft red winter cultivar, LaPorte was co-developed in 1957 by researchers at Purdue University and the USDA for its resistance to powdery mildew and loose smut. Long, graceful awned spikes at the tips demonstrate heavy grain set despite weed pressure. Purple straw is strong and resists lodging. Easy to hand-thresh.

As an aside - LaPorte County Indiana is home to Scott's family.

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