100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Flax, Marilyn

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $7.00
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Flax; Marilyn; L. usitatissimum; Linseed;
Marilyn flax seeds
Marilyn Fiber Flax seeds
Marilyn Fiber Flax
Marilyn Fiber Flax with Honeybee
Marilyn Fiber Flax Field with Honeybee
Marilyn Fiber Flax Field with Pray Mantis

(Linum usitatissimum); aka linseed; "Marilyn"; Minimum 50 seeds

Brown seeded flax is more commonly associated with fiber production yet is equally suited for a nutritious seed harvest. Home-grown flaxseeds are used for the same purpose(s) as commercially grown seed without the worry of how the plants were grown. We direct seed the small seeds in early June and make several harvests of the dry seed heads through out the season. Tight spacing results in a delightful blanket of airy blue blossoms and encourages the taller, straighter plants desirable for linen.  Right before frost we harvest the plants whole by gently pulling them from the soil, removing any remaining pods before bundling and hanging them to dry.

Having taken the "Straw into Gold - Making Linen" class by traditional artisans Tom and Joanne Blodgett offered through Tillers International, someday when the project list slows we will try our hand at retting and processing the flax for linen.

Limit 1 pack per customer - while you are able to add more than one pack to your cart I will only ship 1 pack with a refund for the additional packs.

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