100% Michigan Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Digital Resources for Download

This collection contains both accumulated resources we find informative and outreach materials we've created. We choose to present them as PDF downloads to better enable us to gauge interest in the various topics.

Download directly from your completed cart and from an emailed link.

Unless specified, downloads are unlimited and without charge.

And why are so many of these resources "outdated"? For us, a self-reliant homestead is able to produce crops successfully with minimal inputs and common equipment, much like growers in the early 20th century; these now "historic" documents are a valuable means to understanding agricultural practices in use prior to the days of commercial BigAg.

Please note, the pdfs of historic documents were not created by us and might be a bit wonky regarding margins and such. Also, keep in mind the language at the time of print might not be considered appropriate in today's society. The summaries that appear on the pdf product pages are most likely AI-generated for time-saving purposes, considering there are only 30 hours in a day and we'd much rather focus on tasks associated with growing our seed crops (I will always indicate if a seed product description is AI-generated.)

Be sure to check back every now & again as this is an active collection with additions included as we find them. If you have a file you'd like to share for inclusion, please reach out via email or Facebook Messenger.