100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Barley with Hulls

Harrison Barley

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $5.00
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Harrison Barley ready for harvest has beautiful spiked awns
Harrison Barley has great tillering potential
Harrison Barley did not lodge and did suppress weeds
Harrison Barley on June 16
Harrison Barley on June 16
Harrison Barley seeds

(Hordeum vulgare); 6-rowed; Hulled; Awned; an Indiana Connection variety; Fall-planted

Harrison is a 6-rowed barley developed in the early 1960s as a joint release between the USDA and researchers at Purdue University. It is known for its winter hardiness, stiff straw, and resistance to lodging. Dense spikes are rough awned and mature mid-season. Long rachilla hairs on substantial spikes earn Harrison its affectionate "punk rocker" moniker for our grain plots.



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