100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Barley with Hulls

Robust Barley

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $5.00
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Robust Barley seeds
Robust barley seed heads

(Hordeum vulgare); 6-rowed; Hulled; Facultative - spring planted;

A widely grown cover crop barley, Robust is adapted to pearling, malting and use as a feed grain. Although not a heritage cultivar, we grow this 6-row barley as a reference to compare heirloom varieties to performance trails in agriculture reports. My go to variety for plump, hulled barley is Sardinian which is 2-row. If you desire 6-row, then consider Bere Barley

When malted and used for brewing, the low beta-glucan levels, which leads to low wort viscosity and a well-draining mash bed. It was developed in 1983 by the Minnesota Agricultural Experimental Station by crossing Morex and Manker barley varieties. Developed as a facultative grain, we grow Robust as a spring-planted barley.

Please use the drop-down menu to select between packets options, minimum:

a) 50 hand selected seeds
b) 7 grams (1/4 ounce)



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