100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Feed Crops

Dutchess Barley

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $5.00
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Dutchess Barley
Dutchess Barley
Dutchess Barley
Dutchess Barley
Dutchess Barley
Dutchess Barley
Dutchess Barley with beautiful long awns to protect it
Dutchess Barley ripening in the field
Dutchess Barley with beautiful long awns to protect it
Dutchess Barley makes a beautiful decoration
Dutchess Barley seeds

(Hordeum vulgare); Heritage; 6-rowed; Hulled; Awned; a New York State Connection variety; Fall-planted

This beautiful 6-rowed winter barley was developed in 1961 by Neal F. Jensen of New York's Agricultural Experiment Station. Dutchess is a midseason to late maturing cultivar. Its kernels have the genetic tendency to accumulate anthocyanins in the aleurone layer immediately under the husk giving the grain a blue tint. Expression of this genetic trait is influenced by environmental conditions.

Dutchess is a feed barley with 15.5% protein and 5% beta glucan. Productive winter-hardy plants have short, strong, lodging resistant straw. It is resistant to mildew and scald but moderately susceptible to loose smut and leaf rust.

Please use the drop-down menu to select between packet sizes, minimum:

a) 50 hand selected seeds
b) 7 grams (quarter ounce)
c) 28 grams (1 ounce)

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