100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Grains & Cereals

Hot Biscuits Amaranth

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $4.50
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Hot Biscuits Amaranth
Hot Biscuits Amaranth
Hot Biscuits Amaranth
Patch of Hot Biscuits Amaranth
close up of seed head forming on Hot Biscuits Amaranth
Hot Biscuits Amaranth
Hot Biscuits Amaranth
Hot Biscuits Amaranth dry popped in a hot pan

(Amaranthus cruentus); Golden seed; 1.9 cc (~1 gram)

Stunning vibrant bronze grain plumes adorn hefty plants that grow to 7 feet, thriving in less than fertile soils and with minimal care. An ancient pseudo-cereal gluten-free staple of the Aztecs, amaranth seeds are easily threshed by hand and are used without the need for hulling. Amaranth grains are protein rich and nutrient dense, an excellent source of the essential amino acid lysine. Enjoy them raw, sprouted, boiled, toasted, popped, or ground into flour. Drought and heat tolerant, the striking yellow ribbed leaves of Hot Biscuits are a nutritious source for summer greens when other greens wilt or go to seed.

Due to the tiny nature of the seeds, start indoors in individual pots a week or so before planting or broadcast lightly into a raked, well-weeded seed bed. Initial growth is slow. Plants benefit from reduced weed pressure during germination.

Highly ornamental, widely adaptable and tolerant of less than ideal growing conditions, versatile and incredibly nutritious - amaranth deserves a place in your garden. It is an excellent guerilla garden candidate for those in subdivisions that frown upon growing your own food.

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