100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Noteworthy Seeds

Jezka Hladka Wheat

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $6.00
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Jezka Hladka Club Wheat
Jezka Hladka Club Wheat
Up-close view of magnificent mature clavate spikes of Czechoslovakian landrace winter wheat Jezka Hladka Club Wheat - field view
Czechoslovakian landrace winter club wheat Jezka Hladka kernels threshed and ready for milling, planting, or whole grain enjoyment

(Triticum aestivum.compactum); Landrace; Fall-planted; Minimum 25 seeds

Donated to the USDA in 2012 by the Crop Research Institute in Prague, Czech Republic, Jezka Hladka is a stunning representative of the compactum botanical group commonly known as club wheat, dwarf wheat, even hedgehog wheat. Its gorgeous purple straw holds aloft magnificent clavate spikes that thresh easily by hand. We include this landrace in our plantings to maintain biodiversity within our wheat cultivars.

Limited quantity - only 1 pack per person. I will only ship one pack and will refund the additional packs. Why the limit? To allow as many growers as possible to enjoy this cultivar.

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