100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Noteworthy Seeds

Polar Dent Corn

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

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Polar Dent corn was developed 100 years ago in Michigan to be frost tolerant
Polar Dent Corn
seeds of Polar Dent Corn
3 ears of Polar Dent Corn
Young plot of Polar Dent Corn
early ear formation in Polar Dent Corn
a range of 1, 2 and even 3 ears per stalk on Polar Dent Corn
nice ear of Polar Dent Corn
Polar Dent Corn
Polar Dent Corn
robust roots on our Polar Dent Corn
Polar Dent Corn ear with yellow kernels

(Zea mays); Heritage; Michigan Connection cultivar; 95 days

Mr. Arthur Jewett of Mason Michigan donated this strain of dent corn to the USDA in 1949. Perfectly adapted to southern Michigan, it was developed in Michigan prior to 1949 by J.R. Duncan as a strain selected for resistance to spring frost. The earliest reference we've found to date for Polar Dent is in the 1930 MSU Ag Extension Bulletin "Investigations of Corn Borer Control at Monroe, Michigan" that states: 

"Real early planting, April 28, proved disadvantageous to all dent varieties except Polar Dent, a frost resistant corn bred by J. R. Duncan of the Michigan Experiment Station at East Lansing. Polar dent yielded well at all planting dates from April 28 to May 25."

At 95 days it is considered very early in maturity. 14-18 rows of bright yellow kernels fill out ears that are 6-7 inches long. Stalks reach 7-8 feet. We are excited to include this heritage dent cultivar in our collection.

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