100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Noteworthy Seeds

Xinchan Rice Wheat

Sherck Seeds

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Xinchan Rice Wheat
Xinchan Rice Wheat  with large grain heads and long awns.
Xinchan Rce Wheat flatbread.
Xinchan Rice Wheat is free threshing.

This is a very fascinating and rare spring planted variety of wheat (T. petropavlovski). It produces golden brown, large grain heads and is "free threshing". The actual grain kernels are blond, and were some of the largest I have grown here in Northern Indiana. It is a rare Asian landrace collected in the Xinchang Province of Western China, considered to be a natural cross between common bread wheat (T. aestivum) and polish wheat (T. polonicum).

Xinchan Rice Wheat offers challenges for regions with humid and rainy summers. It might be a great parent for crossing with a more disease resistant bread wheat, or crossing and then back crossing.  In any case, Xinchan Rice Wheat is a valuable genetic resource. I have made a simple flatbread using Xinchan flour. The texture was light and the flavor was rich and delicious. I am unsure how this wheat would work in a regular bread recipe.

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