100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Sherck Seeds Collection

South American Corn Composite

Sherck Seeds

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South American Corn Composite
South American Corn Composite
South American Corn Composite
South American Corn Composite
South American Corn Composite
South American Corn Composite
South American Corn Composite
South American Corn Composite

This amazing composite is the result of years of breeding by Michael James Fortune, NC. I received it as an F5 population and was blown away by the diversity of my first harvest. This is not necessarily a stand alone variety, but rather something you can grow and select from, recombine or further cross pollinate with other corns. Harvesting and shucking ears from this corn is about like being 8 years old on Christmas morning!

Here is a brief history of the breeding work as related to me from Michael:
The first cross was between Piscorunto (non-pointed kernels) and Painted Mountain. The addition of PM genetics was to help with day-length sensitivity issues.
F2 - F5 were a series of back crosses with primarily South American and Mexican varieties, including  Cuzco Gigante, Peskorunto (pointed kernels), Morado, Puka Chupsi, Jala, Oloton, Chinampa Rojo, Maiz de Congo, Che Ckche and a few others.

The bed I planted had a lot of diversity in height. The majority of plants matured at 100 days from planting. I have made some wonderful cornbread from this composite and am looking forward to nixtimalizing at some point. Also, many of the South American corn varieties have thin skins and work well as parching corn.

Minimum 28 grams (1 ounce) 

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