100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Summer Greens


Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $4.50
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(Abelmoschus manihot.tetraphyllus); aka Manihot Hibiscus, Tetra Okra; Minimum 25 seeds

In the okra family, Aibika is a versatile crop - young leaves are hearty sautéed, young pods are great steamed and make wonderful pickles, and the seeds - with nearly a 21% oil content, seeds are nutritious additions to small grains such as quinoa, amaranth, milo, and rice. 

Grown like traditional okra, Aibika is a bushed branched plant that easily reaches 3 feet. Despite its origins on the Indian subcontinent, it thrives on our southeast Michigan homestead, producing an abundance of ~1.5-2 inch pods

A slight caution - leaves can get spiny and the pods are definitely prickly, especially as they dry.

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