Bulletin: Biodiesel and Lighting
This is a draft document where I am storing my notes...
- Seems that water contamination is a big risk for any plan using waste cooking oil.
- Of all the how to guides I've found on the internet, this one has the best detail: The Duda Diesel Guide on How to Make Biodiesel.
- This one from Backwoods was easy to follow: Make Your Own Biodiesel
- YouTube video as well: How to Make Biodiesel at Home.
- Potassium Hytdroxide or Sodium Hydroxide can be used.
- Methanol is the preferred choice because it is cheaper due to taxes, but ethanol can be used. The process is more difficult. (how?)
In the area of biogas
- An academic overview: A Review of the Processes, Parameters, and Optimization of Anaerobic Digestion.
- A practical guide including how much manure is needed for home biogas production: Biogas
In the area of lighting:
- A review of the transition from burning wood for light, thru different oils and finally electric: Lighting Costs Near Nothing Now - Human Progress