100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Fimbul Barley

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $7.00
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Fimbul Barley heads with long awns
Fimbul Barley
Fimbul Barley
Fimbul Barley
Fimbul Barley seeds

(Hordeum vulgare); Heritage; 6-rowed; Hulled; Awned; Fall-planted; Minimum 50 seeds

Accepted into our National Plant Germplasm System in 1946, Fimbul was developed in Skåne län, Sweden by Ernst Nilsson of the former Eugstrom Seed Co. Its kernels have a protein content of 14%.

Fimbul tolerates weed pressure.

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