100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Skills (1911) International Library of Technology

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

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Skills (1911) International Library of Technology
Skills (1911) International Library of Technology
Skills (1911) International Library of Technology
Skills (1911) International Library of Technology
Skills (1911) International Library of Technology

A Series of Textbooks for Persons Engaged in the Engineering Professions and Trades or for Those Who Desire Information Concerning Them. Fully Illustrated and Containing Numerous Practical Examples and Their Solutions: Wheat; Oats, Barley, Rye, and Buckwheat; Corn; Hay and Pasture Crops; Potatoes; Root Crops; Tobacco; Soiling Crops

"The text of this volume deals with such general field crops as wheat, com, oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, legumes, grasses, potatoes, root crops, and tobacco. In addition, are given discussions of crops used for soiling—that is, cutting and feeding green plants without curing them—and also directions for making silage and how to construct different types of silos. Among the important features treated for each crop are: Selection of the proper seed, methods of preparing the seed bed, proper kinds and quantities of fertilizer, methods of seeding, cultivation requirements, proper harvesting methods, and the pests and injuries of the crops, together with the most approved methods of combating these pests. The student of farming will find this volume intensely practical and the treatment such that the methods described and the principles discussed can be readily applied to farm conditions in all sections of the country."

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