100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

On a Michiana Homestead — corn

Progression of the 2021 corn planting and harvest

Scott Hucker

Tags 2021, corn

Progression of the 2021 corn planting and harvest

Hah, this time I'll combine the planting and harvesting of corn for the full 2021 season.  Again, I'll work from the bottom up by date.   Oct 2 Last of the Johnny Dewlan Blue Dent Corn. I had one ear with spouted seeds which I gave to the geese.   Although we had some nights in the very low 40's F with beautiful days in the mid 70's, no frost yet.  We did have a week of heavy rain that interrupted the planting of fall grains.    Sept 27 Peak harvest of the Johnny Dewlan Blue Dent Corn   Sept...

Growing Corn on our Michigan Homestead

Scott Hucker

Tags corn, north, short season

Growing Corn on our Michigan Homestead

Our focus is on historical open pollinated varieties that were selected for the northern edge of the corn belt.  Here is major corn growing regions of the US per the USDA: Corn does grow in Michigan, but we're not famous for it.  To grow multiple varieties on our small farm, we will use length of maturity to manage multiple varieties as well as different fields on our farm.  Unfortunately, some with similar maturities will have to take turns from year to year. Days until maturity are certainly just a guideline.  The real driver of plant (and insect life) is Growing Degree...