100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Gluten-free Varieties

Dagbon Grey Pearl Millet

Sherck Seeds

Regular price $6.00
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Dagbon Grey Pearl Millet
Dagbon Grey Pearl Millet nearing maturity.
A near perfect head of Dagbon millet.
Threshing Dagbon Grey Pearl Millet by rubbing over a mesh screen.

Dagbon Grey Pearl Millet is a rare variety from Northern Ghana. The seed was shared with me from Zachary Benson and I had my first trial in 2024. Compared with other Pearl millet varieties I have grown, the Dagbon proved to be the most disease resistant. In the past, I have always had issues with fusarium on the grain heads, especially during periods of rainy and humid weather as the grain neared maturity. I had beds with Indian pearl millet and a bed with Dagbon. The Indian millet had quite a lot of fusarium infection, whereas the Dagbon had none. Dagbon is also taller and produces larger grain heads. It matured in 90 days from planting. 

I prefer growing pearl millet as it is hulless and ready to be cooked once it is harvested. Another benefit with millets, in general, they are some of the most drought tolerant crops in the world. In my experience they are also tolerant of wet and rainy conditions, but disease can be more of an issue. 

Minimum 4 grams


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