100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Gluten-free Varieties

Krme Rice

Sherck Seeds

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Krme grains
Krme at 2 feet tall, earing maturity.
Krme dehulled

Krme is a very short upland rice (2 foot), that experienced no issues with lodging during periods of heavy rainfall. This variety is a short grain, brown rice and is awnless. I would also consider Krme to be very early at 91 days from transplanting. It also produced fairly good yields nearing 6 lbs per 100 square foot bed. I am unsure about the history of this variety and obtained my seed from Petr Vorbil, Czech Republic. It is likely from Eastern Europe or possibly Russia. Interestingly, the word “krme” in Serbo-Croatian can mean piglet, piggie or fat little pig. In Russian, "krme" means topsoil.  Irregardless of its mysterious history, I found Krme to be delicious and similar to Duborskian, with a smooth texture and slightly nutty taste. I have only tried it as a brown rice. 

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