100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Gluten-free Varieties

Suchit Rice

Sherck Seeds

Regular price $6.00
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Suchit rice grains
Young Suchit rice plants beginning to tiller
Suchit rice beginning to flower in mid-July
Suchit rice cookd as brown rice. Very aromatic and delicious.

Suchit is an early maturing variety from Gujarat India. It is a long grain type and highly aromatic when cooked. This is the fourth aromatic rice variety that I have found that can be successfully grown on my farm in Northern Indiana (zone 5/6), including Dellmati, Bavade and Gharib. I am unsure if Suchit is an upland or lowland variety, but it did very well under upland conditions. It is an average yielder at approx. 5 pounds per 100 square foot bed. I would classify Suchit as an early maturing variety, starting at 90 days from transplanting in the spring. This is an awned variety and reaches a height of 3 feet. I also experienced no problems with lodging.  
The flavor was excellent as a brown rice, and the aroma, when cooking, filled the whole house, much like popcorn.

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