
100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

Squash Family - Small Size Fruit

Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato Squash

Great Lakes Staple Seeds

Regular price $4.50
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Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato Squash; C. pepo; Slow Food Ark of Taste; Hand-pollinated
No sugar or butter necessary! Fresh from the overn baked Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato Squash.
Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato Squash

(Cucurbita pepo); Heirloom; a Slow Food Ark of Taste variety; Hand-pollinated; Minimum 20 seeds

Yielding an average of 6 acorn-type fruits per vine and the fact that they trellis well, makes this variety an advantageous choice for smaller spaces. Years ago, Thelma Sanders earned a coveted postion on our "must grow" list for several reasons. First, we love their small size, we can enjoy their chestnutty sweetness without having to deal with an excess of left-overs. And speaking of chestnutty sweetness, the flavor and creamy texture of Thelma Sanders baked is beyond scrumptious, without the need for butter or sweetener! Additionally, the variety is a prolific, reliable producer and when properly cured and stored, the fruits are exceptional keepers, allowing us to enjoy them throughout the winter into spring. The seeds are fabuluous oven roasted with EVO and spices. We've read that the immature squashes are also tasty but we've yet to try them this way as recollections of them baked prompt us to let them mature.

Please do take a moment to read the fascinating history of Thelma Sanders Sweet Potato Squash on it Slow Food's Thelma Sander Sweet Potato Squash page.

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