100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals


Got Squash? Make these!

Eleanor H.

Earlier this month our friend John Sherck shared a pdf of Priscilla Mullin Sherard's 1975 collection of Indian Recipes. Not only is it inspirational from a staple crop perspective it is quite timely for us as one of the benefits of processing winter squash for seeds is we have an abundance of squash for culinary ventures. So Sunday's kitchen adventure featured Scott cooking up a batch of savory squash cakes based on the following recipe:

“OOWISSIMAU'N NO'KIYA "Pumpkin Dough" Potawatomi Recipe
Wash and cut open a pumpkin and cook until soft enough to mash. Stir fresh pumpkin adding cornmeal to hot pumpkin to make a stiff dough. Form dough into small cakes and bake in a dutch oven for about an hour. When as brown as you like it serve while hot.”

He used a “maxima blend” of roasted squash and instead of baking the cakes, pan-fried them. The cornmeal was ground from our homestead grown Floriani Red Flint corn. Served with left-over Vaquero beans and Wow! What an easy, satisfying plant-based meal.

Here is the pdf file so you can enjoy the recipe collection as well.

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