100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals

On a Michiana Homestead

What should a survivalist homesteader grow if their apocalyptic garden needs to become their life sustaining farm?

Scott Hucker

What should a survivalist homesteader grow if their apocalyptic garden needs to become their life sustaining farm?
So what does one -really- need to grow in a garden to sustain life in an apocalypse and how big of a garden is required? Most articles focus on supplementing purchased food through gardening. This blog attempts to calculate an "all-in" approach to growing the life-sustaining calories needed.

Sunshine Makes Me Feel Like Planting!

Scott Hucker

Sunshine Makes Me Feel Like Planting!

Although it was 20°F when I looked at the temperature this morning, the sun and blue skies made me really want to get planting. The real key for whether that is a good idea or not, is the soil temperature. Plant too soon, and the seed may rot before it germinates. Plus, under cold temperatures, the germination will be slow. I pulled out our soil thermometer and measured at 2 inches into the soil that the sandy plot I have planned for oats is at 49°F which meets the minimum of 43°F.  The minimum air temperature for the next 10...

Pollinators LOVE Buckwheat! You can too!

Pollinators LOVE Buckwheat! You can too!
It's a well-known fact pollinators LOVE buckwheat but this airy, gluten-free chocolate cake recipe illustrates buckwheat's versatility as a pantry staple.

A Simple Pot of Beans?

A Simple Pot of Beans?
Often times there is more than just beans in the pot...

Grains in the Garden: Overview Thru the Seasons

Scott Hucker

Tags calendar, season

  The presentation file is here.