100% Michiana Grown Staple Crop Seeds that Empower Your Plant-based Lifestyle Goals


Progression of fall grain planting (2021)

Scott Hucker


Back Field:

I plan to use the relatively clean sandy loam from the garlic/onions for growing some of our new 'test' grains.


North of the Barn:

Plan to put another plot of Sangaste Rye, Sardinian Barley (or some other brewing barley) and an awned wheat.  This area is easy pickings for rabbits, so, I'll have to set up a chicken wire fence.


Silo Garden is the first section to be planted:

September 21

Rain, or I could have finished the last bit

At this point, we've hand planted 6000 feet of row length... relaxing...


September 20

Fall planted oats:

OF-12 Hudson
OF-13 Pennlan
OF-14 Esa
OF-15 Gray Houdan
OF16 Great Mogul II
OF-17 Kilby
OF-18 Norline
OF-19 Red Oat
OF-20 Segetal
OF-21 Wintok


Winter wheat:

W104 Poltavka
W35 Banatka Winter Wheat
W44 Turkey Red
W47 Michigan Amber Wheat
W48 Rouge de Bordeaux Wheat
W51 Sirvinta
W73 MI Red Awned
W79 WA 5841
W81 Kasticka


Fall planted speltz:

TS-05 Schwarrz W. Grannen



XT-10 Polish Triticale
XT-01 Blizzard
XT-02 Enduro
XT-04 Salzmunder Bartweizen Triticale
XT-05 Bokolo Triticale
XT-07 Lasko Triticale
XT-08 Kazanskij 4



Black Emmer
Blue Emmer


Additional Rye:

R03 Santaste Rye


And then, it began to rain....  not finished!



September 19

Fall planted barley:

BF-27 Fall Sardinian Barley
BF-88 Hudson Barley (feed)
BF-78 Black Russian Barley
BF-96 Wintermalt
BF-93 Schuyler Barley (feed)
BF-89 MIichigan Winter

Winter wheats:

W72 Red May Wheat
W45 Yamhill
SRW-12 Dual Wheat
W52 Unterengadin Wheat
W53 Phoenix
SRW-17 LaPorte Wheat


September 18

I see the Sangaste Rye is emerging.   The grouping in this most southern strip is to put barley that was cut on June 24 of this year into a single area so I can follow the barley harvest with a planting of Gaspe corn.


Pike Barley (BF-91) This six-row awned Barley developed in Indiana is useful for double cropping with soybean 

Bai Chin Ke Barley (BF-76) 

Zou Xian Song Mang Da Mai Barley  (BF-98) A Wisconsin seed steward


September 10?

Sangaste Rye



LaPorte Wheat (which should be awned), reminds me a bit of Banatka.




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